Wharfedale CBT Psychotherapy
BABCP Accredited Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist
BPS Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow

Qualifications and Training
1988-91 BSc(Hons) Psychology
1991-95 PhD (ESRC Scholarship)
1995-2008 Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences
University of Leeds
2007 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
1998-1999 CBT for Depression Course p/t
1998-present British Psychological Society
Chartered Psychologist
2000-2001 York University CBT Course p/t
2002-2004 CBT therapist NHS p/t
2003 BABCP Accreditation
2005-present Private Practice
Numerous Short courses, workshops and accredited training in Trauma, Complex PTSD, Mindful Self-Compassion, and other emerging techniques and practices.
2008 BABCP Re-Accreditation
2013 BABCP Re-Accreditation
2015 British Psychological Society
Associate Fellow
2018-2022 BABCP Re-Accreditation